Dedicated Offshore Development Centre in India

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Dedicated Offshore Development Centre in India

You can set up your Offshore development  center  in India with Kompac for Planning, developing, testing, and deploying your software.

    • Distinct Process
    • Reasonable and Transparent Costing
    • Adaptable Engagement Options
    • Numerous Time Zone Support

ODC is the best choice if you want to save time and cost. It gives you peace of mind so that you can focus on your core tasks.

Low Risk & High Productivity

What are the benefits of ODC ?

Saving costs
As indicated by a concentrate by Deloitte, 59% of organizations consider re-appropriating as a successful expense cutting device. For sure, an organization from the United States can lessen more than half of IT costs by recruiting a committed development team.
Admittance to the skill

Once in a while the essential programming engineers are only difficult to track down locally, or you need to pay them compensation far past your cut-off. Assuming you decide to employ an development team  that works from a distance as a choice to grow your current group, you will approach the best specialists everywhere.

More prominent adaptability
You can change the group arrangement as indicated by the current business objectives as quick on a case by case basis.

Quick scaling

In the event that you really want to develop quickly, re-appropriating is an incredible choice as well. Recruit a committed group with however many gifts as you really want promptly to finish your targets and satisfy the business vision!
  • Relationship Models
  • Client managed ODC
  • BOT (Build-operate-Transfer)
  • Kompac Managed ODC